Cityline為一間紮根於香港歷史悠久的資訊科技解決方案公司,致力運用創新科技及數碼轉型為客戶創造出嶄新的企業價值。通過國際認可的 ISO 27001 資訊安全標準認證,Cityline 進一步用行動展現出為客戶提供優質高效服務、堅定維護客戶資訊安全的努力和決心。
Cityline is a Hong Kong based IT solution company with a long history, committed to using innovative technology and digital transformation to provide customers with extraordinary corporate value. With the internationally recognized ISO 27001 information security standard certification, Cityline has further demonstrated its long term efforts and determination to provide customers with high quality and efficient services, as well as to maintain customer information security and safety.